finance information

For detailed information, check the Academic Calendar

Application Fees
The non-refundable application fee is due at the time of application
Registration Process
Registration and payment for courses takes place no later than two weeks prior to the start of each course to allow adequate time for pre-session study.
Tuition Payment
To make things as accessible and convenient as possible, tuition and fees are payable on a course-by-course basis at the time of registration.
Information Technology Fee
This fee provides access to high speed WIFI, computers, printers, and online research databases, an email address, and a POPULI account
Texts required for each course are listed on Populi and are avail- able for purchase through the Administrative Services office.
Student Fee
The student fees cover class materials, academic services, student ID cards, and student social expenses.


Alberta Bible College is recognized as an eligible institution for both Canada Student Loans and Alberta Government Student Loans Plan. Students registered as program students with PACE qualify as full-time students. Begin loan applications early as full payment is required before you can enter each course. Loan forms are usually available on-line. Visit the websites for further info.

Because of the PACE Program’s emphasis on leadership, numerous employers of our students have aided in all or a portion of the educational costs as part of their employee training. The PACE office can supply a letter, upon request, to your employer briefly describing this program.

Your payment is your commitment to take the course. There are no refunds once the course has begun, and withdrawals will only be considered under certain circumstances up to one week prior to the start date of the course.

For more information email the

Or see our Scholarships page

An initiative of the Government of Canada which allows students to borrow funds from their RRSPs towards education. For further information check


PACE Program offers a discount on the tuition to a spouse taking the same course at the same time.