Need Help?

Alberta Bible College is committed to connecting its students and their families with vital community resources. Contact our student development team for further information:

Mental Health Support

Distress Centre Calgary
24-hour Crisis Line

Kids Help Phone
Free texting service across Canada 24/7 for kids, teens, and young adults. Text HOME to 686868 in Canada to text with a trained Crisis Responder.

Food Support

Calgary Food Bank
Visit website or call 403-253-2055 to request a hamper.

Food Finder YYC
Text “FOOD” to 587-318-0232

Affordable Housing Support

Visit the Government of Alberta’s website to find out about affordable housing programs.


Visit the Government of Alberta’s website to see if you are eligible to apply for income support.


Calgary Dream Centre

Immigration and Citizenship Information or Support

Legal Help

 Contact Calgary Legal Guidance for legal assistance, information, and support.

Health Advice

Call 8-1-1 to talk to a medical professional 24/7/365.

Health Info

Where to Start

Call 211 or visit their website to access a network of community, social health, and government services.

More Mental Health Crisis Lines
