Library Catalogue (KOHA)

Want to find a book from the physical items we already have in the system?
The Library Catalogue is what you’re looking for! Koha contains the records of all of ABC’s books, along with items from our partner Library, Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary & College. If you want to see only the items we have at ABC, remember to limit your search from ‘All Libraries’ to ‘Alberta Bible College’ on the right, but remember, even if it’s only available at CSBS, we can put a hold on it for you and they’ll ship it here for you to use!
Bible Journals

ABC subscribes to multiple Bible Journal Databases, the most comprehensive being the ATLA Religion Database with Serials.
The ATLA Religion Database with Serials has thousands of peer reviewed journal articles and can be a huge help for sources when writing a tricky paper.
Remember to check if the resource you’re interested in is ‘full text’ or just an abstract! You can limit to full text only using the limiters on the left hand side after you’ve put in your search terms.
If it’s just an abstract that means that you’ll be able to see what the article is about, but ABC’s Librarian will have to go through the Interlibrary Loan process to get you access. This might take a little bit of extra time. notify her of your interest at [email protected].
Online Textbooks

Thousands of free textbooks at your fingertips!
Perlego’s goal is to make textbooks affordable for students, and we are all in on that model. In fact, you can find over 40% of our textbooks available on Perlego for free!
Not a fan of e-books? Perlego has still got you covered, with a bunch of features that make reading on a screen as easy as possible, from 1 click note taking in the text to the ability to increase text size or change the font. And have I mentioned the citation creator yet?
Contact your librarian today at [email protected] to get set up!
More Journal Databases

Alberta Bible College Library has access
to database containing articles and journals to help you with your research for
projects and assignments.
Some of the EBSCO Databases are:
Academic Search Complete Upgrade that
has approximately updates to Academic Search Complete, adding approximately
2000 journals.
CINAHL® Plus with Full Text which focus
on the subjects of nursing and health, this collection contains approximately
7,500,000 records and 340 full-text, non-open access journals.
Bibliography of Native North Americans™ that comprise of citations for approximately 350,000 books, essays, journal articles and government documents on a variety of topics relating to North American history with reference to the native inhabitants of this land.
Under the Gale Databases there are:
World History In Context which has
approximately 500 full-text articles focusing on world history.
Literature Resource Centre contains over
1,000,000 full-text articles and essays on literature criticism.
Archives Unbound which is an online Shakespeare Collection.
Any database dealing specifically with
Bible or Counselling Journals have their own box with information and links on
this page.
Interlibrary Loans

Is there a book that you REALLY need but we just don’t have it in our collection?
Never fear, TAL has got you covered! TAL allows us to access books from almost any library in Alberta, so if the book is out there, we can probably get it. Be warned though, because it’s from a library system outside of our own the checkout periods tend to be more strict and fines for late items steeper. Talk to your librarian for more help or information.
Lyrics and Chord Charts
(CCLI Song Select)

Are you a musician? ABC has got you covered!
CCLI Song Select provides words, chords, and sheet music to thousands of the most popular christian tunes. This resource does require you to make an separate account through ABC, so talk to your librarian for access.
Calgary Public Library

ABC’s isn’t the only library around!
If you’re living in Calgary you’ve got all you need for a Calgary Public Library Card, and they’ve got tons of resources and research help too! The nearest branch to ABC is the Louise Riley Library, located next to North Hill Center.
Personalized Research Guidance

Did you know that ABC has an Academic coach/tutor?
David Ross is here to help with all of your research, writing, or citation needs, and he’s here to help for free!
Set up an appointment by emailing him at [email protected]
Open Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm
Open Tuesday: 9am - 6pm
Closed Weekends and Holidays