Bachelor of Theology

Bachelor of Theology
Prepare for your calling
This program is designed to prepare individuals for pastoral leadership in the local church, or for graduate study at seminary. This program qualifies for Canada and Alberta Student Loans and is Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligible for International Students.
Students in the BTh program will:
- Demonstrate competency in understanding, interpreting, applying, and communicating the biblical message
- Gain experience in a located Christian ministry
- Analyse various cultural contexts for Christian ministry with particular emphasis on Canadian cultures
- Demonstrate a willingness to love and serve God and people
- Demonstrate the skills necessary to effectively equip others for service and ministry
- Practice discipline in developing a spiritual life that fosters personal and professional well-being
- Develop the skills and attitudes of a life-long learner
- All incoming students will attend orientation events prior to the semester to introduce them to college life
Course Requirements
Bible/Theology (36 credits)
This course explores the formation of the Bible from texts and canon to translations, and develops skills for responsible biblical interpretation.
This course surveys the books of the Hebrew Bible with particular attention paid to the history of the Israelite nation within the context of the Ancient Near East.
This survey of the New Testament literature places the New Testament within the cultural context of the first century: Greek, Roman, and Jewish. Attention will be given to the best ways to interpret these documents historically and theologically and how the literature of the New Testament can function in the spiritual formation of the church today.
The life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth will be explored according to the material presented in the synoptic gospels. Particular attention will be given to the historical, political, and cultural background of 1st century Palestine.
The course examines the basic approaches to, and foundations for, the study of Christian theology, with an emphasis on the most central key doctrinal teachings: theology, divine revelation, theological anthropology, soteriology, hamartiology, Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, eschatology, and missiology.
This course is a biblical examination of various theological and philosophical approaches to ethics, while working towards the development of a personal and communal Christian ethic. Attention will be given to the teachings of Jesus with representative engagement of contemporary moral issues.
Prerequisite: B231 Christian Theology
Working from a perspective that sees God as missional by nature, this course articulates a biblical theology rooted in God’s self revelation that inspires particular practices that reflect God’s missional identity and activities.
Prerequisite: B231 Christian Theology
Bible (9 credits)
- OT Elective (3)
- NT Elective #1 (3)
- NT or Elective #2 (3)
Theology (6 credits)
- Elective #1 (3)
- Elective #2 (3)
General Education (36)
This course explores what communication actually is and how to ensure the message that is sent is what is actually perceived and understood, via both verbal and nonverbal communication. Students will develop and deliver oral presentations.
Students will explore culture as a way of life and how the arts impact and promote culture as well as how culture influences the arts.
Greek 1 is an introductory study of Koine Greek (the common Greek dialect from approximately 200 BC to 600 AD) of the New Testament. This course emphasizes (1) vocabulary building and (2) declination of nouns and adjectives and (3) concludes with an introduction to verbs (in preparation for G312 Introductory Greek II).
This course is a continuation of Greek I. After a review of nouns and adjectives, this course continues (1) vocabulary building, (2) introduces the Greek verb, and (3) the Greek participle, the infinitive, and specialized construction contributing to a reading of the Greek New Testament.
Prerequisite: G311 Introductory Greek I
This course provides an overview of Christianity from the emerging Church to the present day with a focus on critical historical and theological developments. Attention will be paid to movements, monastic orders, major persons, socio-political location, events, and dominant controversies.
This course looks at the key ideas, people and movements of North American Christianity, along with the social, political, and religious context in which it developed. Special attention will be paid to the heritage of the Stone-Campbell Movement.
Prerequisite: G220 History of Christianity
This course seeks to uncover the ideological roots of modern and postmodern society, while engaging significant worldviews, major philosophies, and world religions, in an attempt to better understand reasons for hope in our contemporary world.
This course explores the relationship between developmental psychology and Christian maturity/formation. Students will critique various developmental psychological theories within a theoretical framework, and make application to Christian theology, discipleship, education and counselling.
This course will consider individual development, as well as interpersonal and intra-family relationships within family systems. Students will gain understanding of why they may behave differently when they compare their behavior in the presence of their families and their behavior when they are in school or at work.
This course introduces sociology and social research methodology. The course also explores and analyzes key elements of contemporary Canadian society with a view to communicating the gospel to our culture.
This course provides a historical examination of scientific and technological innovations upon society, with focus on the modern world. Students will be challenged to consider the implication these innovations have on their faith.
Prerequisite: G131 Contemporary Thought
- Elective #1 (3)
Professional Studies (48 credits)
Field experience provides a variety of service and ministry opportunities that enable students to acknowledge, strengthen, and use their gifts and abilities as they experience the local church as a community of people making a difference in the world. May be repeated for credit. Offered annually in fall and winter.
Field experience provides a variety of service and ministry opportunities that enable students to acknowledge, strengthen, and use their gifts and abilities as they experience the local church as a community of people making a difference in the world. May be repeated for credit. Offered annually in fall and winter.
Field experience provides a variety of service and ministry opportunities that enable students to acknowledge, strengthen, and use their gifts and abilities as they experience the local church as a community of people making a difference in the world. May be repeated for credit. Offered annually in fall and winter.
This year-long course explores a practical approach to the Christian vocation of being conformed to the image of Christ. Attention is given to fostering the Spirit’s work in our lives through both inward and outward spiritual practices. An introduction to classic and contemporary spiritual writers of the Christian tradition is also offered. Offered annually in fall and winter.
This seminar explores a variety of topics surrounding vocation and provides strategies for making decisions and setting goals in order to expand students’ abilities to impact their world with passion and skill.
Within the community and alongside an exploration of their personal narratives, students will consider five themes: transition, work, vocational call, personality theory, and discernment as they seek to find and follow the particular direction and purpose that God intends for them.
Prerequisite: P101 Spiritual Formation
This course explores the theological foundations as well as the nature and history of the arts within Christian worship. Their practice and significance in contemporary worship is also examined.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: B231 Christian Theology
A course designed to guide the student in constructing and communicating a biblical message based upon a given passage of Scripture using proper expository and presentation skills. Emphasis will be given to researching and articulating a “Big Idea” from selected passages of Scripture.
Prerequisite: G101 Communications Theory
An investigation of biblical community, hospitality and belonging that aims to challenge individuals to live lives that welcome the stranger and equips leaders to build community within the 21st century Church.
Prerequisite: P101 Spiritual Formation
This course provides a biblical and theological
foundation for pastoral ministry shaped by a family
systems perspective. Students will practice being
reflective practitioners able to bring a non-anxious
presence to day-to-day and crisis ministry
situations. Prerequisite: G243 Developmental
Description coming soon
Internship is designed to provide students in the B.Th. and B.C.S. programs with practical field experience under the guidance of qualified leadership. Internships typically require students to serve in a local church or Christian organization for the 8 months of the academic year.
Prerequisite: 12 credits of Field Experience
This course is designed to help students understand and appreciate “adaptive leadership” as a practical leadership framework that draws upon the relationship among leadership, adaptation, systems, and change. Students will learn to identify and tackle systemic change through a process of confronting the status quo and identifying technical and adaptive challenges.
- Elective #1 (3)
- Elective #2 (3)
The academic, professional, and interpersonal skills developed at ABC are applicable to many fields including:
- Preaching Ministry
- Church Leadership
- Worship Ministry
- Education
- Missions
- Nonprofit Management
- Church Administration
- Mental Health Support
- Camp & Youth Ministry
- Pastoral Counselling and more
Students who complete a Bachelor’s program at ABC are prepared to pursue graduate studies in Bible, Theology, Leadership, and Counselling (with completion of the Counselling Certificate or Specialization).