Bachelor of Christian Ministry

Bachelor of Christian Ministry
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This program is designed to prepare individuals for pastoral and educational leadership in Christian communities, as well as providing the basis for continuing higher education. This program qualifies for Canada and Alberta Student Loans and is Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligible for International Students.
Students in the BCM program will:
- Demonstrate competency in understanding, interpreting, applying, and communicating the biblical message
- Gain experience in a located Christian ministry
- Analyse various cultural contexts for Christian ministry with particular emphasis on Canadian cultures
- Practice discipline in developing a spiritual life that fosters personal and professional well-being
- Develop the skills and attitudes of a life-long learner and foundational competencies in their chosen professional
- All incoming students will attend orientation events prior to the semester to introduce them to college life
This program is eligible for After Degree or Degree Completion for those who already hold a recognized undergraduate degree in a different field or who have significant previous study that is eligible for transfer credit. See details under Course Requirements below or contact Admissions for more details.
Course Requirements
Bible/Theology (36)
This course explores the formation of the Bible from texts and canon to translations, and develops skills for responsible biblical interpretation.
This course surveys the books of the Hebrew Bible with particular attention paid to the history of the Israelite nation within the context of the Ancient Near East.
The life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth will be explored according to the material presented in the synoptic gospels. Particular attention will be given to the historical, political, and cultural background of 1st century Palestine.
A topical study of the foundational doctrines of the Bible.
This course is an in-depth study of the structure and content of Luke’s Acts of the Apostles. Special emphasis will be given to the textual, linguistic, rhetorical, and narrative aspects of Luke’s technique of telling the story of Jesus and the Early Church.
This course provides an introduction to the life and letters of the apostle Paul, including critical issues pertinent to the whole Pauline corpus, as well as detailed reading of several representative letters.
- Elective #1 (3)
- Elective #2 (3)
- Elective #3 (3)
- Elective #4 (3)
- Elective #5 (3)
- Elective #6 (3)
General Education (30)
This course develops academic research and writing skills, especially as related to the discipline of theological studies. These include academic referencing in both Turabian and APA styles, information literacy skills, the ability to evaluate sources, the ability to construct an academic paper with a strong thesis statement and argument, and the ability to produce various other kinds of writing (e.g. reflective, creative).
This course provides an overview of the global Christian Church from the emerging Church to the Medieval period, with a focus on critical historical and theological developments. Attention will be paid to movements, monastic orders, major persons, sociopolitical location, events, and dominant controversies.
This course provides an overview of the global Christian Church from the Reformation to the present day, with a focus on critical historical and theological developments. Attention will be paid to movements, monastic orders, major persons, sociopolitical location, events, and dominant controversies.
This course considers major philosophies and significant religious movements in order to understand the concept of worldview. A Christian worldview, as well as a Christian approach to other worldview perspectives, is presented.
This course explores the relationship between developmental psychology and Christian formation. Students will critique various developmental psychological theories within a theological framework, and make application to Christian discipleship, education, and counselling.
Prerequisite: G3515 Introduction of Worldviews
Using the teaching of Jesus in the New Testament, this course examines various theological and philosophical approaches to ethics in working towards developing a personal and communal Christian ethic. Attention will be given to contemporary moral issues.
Prerequisite: G3515 Introduction of Worldviews
This course provides a historical examination of scientific and technological innovations upon society, with focus on the modern world. Students will be challenged to consider the implication these innovations have on their faith.
- Elective #1 (3)
- Elective #2 (3)
- Elective #3 (3)
Professional Studies (36)
Within community and alongside an exploration of their personal narratives, students will consider five themes: transition, work, vocational call, personality theory, and discernment as they seek to find and follow the particular direction and purpose that God intends for them.
PACE Practicum is intended to provide an opportunity to connect theology with daily living. Practicum takes place in a ministry or parachurch setting usually over a three-month period, 1 credit per semester. 3 credits of Practicum are required.
This course explores a practical approach to the Christian vocation of being conformed to the image of Christ. Attention is given to fostering the Spirit’s work in our lives through both inward and outward spiritual practices. An introduction to classical and contemporary spiritual writers of the Christian tradition is also offered.
- additional specializations may be added here
Specialization (18)
Click here for the specialization breakdown.
Choose your ministry specialization:
Biblical Studies
For those who want to dive deeply into God's word
For those who want to develop leadership and planning skills to lead organizations that make a difference
For those who want to provide compassionate and informed psychological and spiritual care
Pastoral Care
For those who want to minister to others in the church and beyond
Degree Completion:
To graduate with a Bachelor of Christian Ministry (Degree Completion), candidates must:
- Complete 120 credit hours acceptable to Alberta Bible College with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better;
- Including transfer of up to 18 additional credit hours of General Education as follows: Communications/English (3), Natural Sciences or Math (3), General Education Electives (12); additional credits from any of the areas listed above and also including literature, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, information technology, mathematics, some fine arts, physical education, and college orientation courses;
- Including transfer of up to 42 credits of Program Electives.
- Satisfactorily complete the Practicum;
- Fulfil financial and business obligations to the college; and
- Receive recommendation by the Administration and approval of the Board
After Degree:
To graduate with a Bachelor of Christian Ministry (After Degree, 2-3 year accelerated program), candidates must:
- Already hold a 3 or 4-year postsecondary degree from an accredited institution
- Meet all other admission requirements outlined in the Academic Calendar
- Complete at least 60 credit hours at Alberta Bible College with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better; length of the program will depend on the courses presented as the time of admission
- Satisfactorily complete the Practicum;
- Fulfil financial and business obligations to the college; and
- Receive recommendation by the Administration and approval of the Board
The credit hours required for graduation are summarized below:
● Bible/Theology 30
● Professional Studies 30
● General Education 30
● Program Electives 30
Program Delivery
Hybrid in person or online
4+ years
(120credit hours)
Tuition & Fees
$9700.00 CAD/YR
The academic, professional, and interpersonal skills developed at ABC are applicable to many fields including:
- Preaching Ministry
- Church Leadership
- Worship Ministry
- Education
- Missions
- Nonprofit Management
- Church Administration
- Mental Health Support
- Camp & Youth Ministry
- Pastoral Counselling and more
Students who complete a Bachelor’s program at ABC are prepared to pursue graduate studies in Bible, Theology, Leadership, and Counselling (with completion of the Counselling Certificate or Specialization).